WASHINGTON – The Optical Society (OSA) and the IEEE Photonics Society announced that Peter Winzer of Nokia Bell Labs, USA, is the recipient of the 2018 John Tyndall Award. Winzer is recognized “For contributions to understanding and advancing the capacity of coherent optical communication systems including advanced modulation formats and spatial mutiplexing." The award, one of the top honors in the fiber optics community, will be presented to Winzer at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), the world’s leading conference and exhibition for optical communications and networking professionals, held from 11 - 15 March 2018 in San Diego, CA.
Peter J. Winzer received his Ph.D. from the Vienna University of Technology, where he worked on space-borne LiDAR and laser communications for the European Space Agency. He has worked at Bell Labs since 2000, where he has focused on many aspects of fiber-optic communications, including advanced optical modulation, multiplexing, and detection. He has contributed to several high-speed optical transmission records from 100 Gb/s to 1 Tb/s and has been widely promoting spatial multiplexing to overcome the optical networks capacity crunch.
“Peter Winzer has devoted his career to expanding the field of optical communication systems. He has attained several commendable high-speed optical transmission records,” said Liz Rogan, CEO, The Optical Society, USA. “His significant advancements involving modulation formats and spatial multiplexing are unmatched; he is a true pioneer of his field. We are extremely grateful for Peter’s continued dedication and passion for advancing the way we communicate.”
Peter Winzer, Nokia Bell Labs, USA, added, “I am deeply humbled and honored to be recognized with this award from The Optical Society and the IEEE Photonics Society. Throughout my career both societies have greatly supported my research initiatives and have worked to move us forward in optical communications technologies through their highly regarded research publications and innovative meetings.”
Winzer is amply published and patented and is actively involved with the IEEE Photonics Society and The Optical Society (OSA), including service as Program Chair of ECOC 2009, Program/General Chair of OFC 2015/17, and the current Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. Winzer is a highly cited researcher, a Bell Labs Fellow, a Fellow of the IEEE and The Optical Society, and an elected Member of the US National Academy of Engineering.
The John Tyndall Award is named for the 19th century scientist who was the first to demonstrate the phenomenon of total internal reflection. First presented in 1987, the Tyndall Award recognizes an individual who has made pioneering, highly significant, or continuing technical or leadership contributions to fiber optic technology. Corning, Inc. endows the award, a prize check and a glass sculpture that represents the concept of total internal reflection. The award is co-sponsored by The Optical Society and the IEEE Photonics Society.
About The Optical Society
Founded in 1916, The Optical Society (OSA) is the leading professional organization for scientists, engineers, students and business leaders who fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate achievements in the science of light. Through world-renowned publications, meetings and membership initiatives, OSA provides quality research, inspired interactions and dedicated resources for its extensive global network of optics and photonics experts. For more information, visit osa.org.
About IEEE Photonics Society (IPS)
The IEEE Photonics Society is one of the world’s leading technical communities in the field of optoelectronics and photonic materials, devices, and systems, with members and activities engaged in research, development, design, manufacture, and applications, as well as with the various other activities necessary for the useful expansion of the field. As part of this dynamic worldwide community, more than 100,000 photonics professionals actively organize, contribute to, and participate in Society technical conferences, journals and other activities covering all aspects of the field. The IEEE Photonics Society has 75+ worldwide chapters and is part of IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association. The IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) is the current name for the former IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS). Learn more at http://www.p
About OFC
The Optical Fiber Conference and Exposition (OFC) is the largest global conference and exposition for optical communications and networking professionals. For more than 40 years, OFC has drawn attendees from all corners of the globe to meet and greet, teach and learn, make connections and move business forward. OFC includes dynamic business programming, an exposition of more than 550 companies, and high impact peer-reviewed research that, combined, showcase the trends and pulse of the entire optical networking and communications industry. OFC is managed by The Optical Society (OSA) and co-sponsored by OSA, the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE/ComSoc), and the IEEE Photonics Society. OFC 2018 will be held from 11-15 March 2018 at the San Diego Convention Center, California, USA. Follow @OFCConference, learn more OFC Conference LinkedIn, and watch highlights OFC YouTube.